-what's up....?
- words...
- what about words
- they are meaningless when it comes to talking about love...
- is that your concern today?
-it's everybody's concern, everyday
-go ahead
- picture love, describe it...gift of life? ... Godgiven treasure...a woman, eyes that embrace, hands
that provide relief, peace,tranquility, joy,,,voice that soothes, caress your ears, embellish your soul...what an
awesome power she holds...!!!
...and you are there!!!
- at center stage, unproclaimed queen.. the hunger for love is barrier-proof...it's dispensed free of
charge...money will not ever be used to buy it. 'cause it can't be bought!!
it can't be cloned, desguised, denied,.if it is real...however it's elusive, it can't be grabbed,
grasped or wrapped...nor smoked or inhaled..or simply taken....and since it's a two-way street, it must be shared...or it is not true...
and you are still there!!!
Whose creation are you? Who brought you to me?...who put you on my way and why? I did not seek it...
it pains to love, you know.it's dormant in a world within you, a world unknown
to many...walk me thru it, please!!!
I can give myself reasons to ignore you... to even think-aloud to myself: This, what I feel - is
not love! ...or is it? My heart does not pound on my chest at her sight....have I conditioned
myself not to? ....and for my own good sake I should not refuse to accept the fact that you do not care about me...
Experience it you must!!! ...and you become alive, and fortunate...it's free of charge, but it can be
costly in pain, sorrow, anguish and anxiety ...but who cares, a self-inflicted wound could become enjoyable even
if it hurts at times...even tho you know that you die a little..
And you're still there, sitting in your high throne!!
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About Me
- Name: victor
- Location: Chile, Santiago, Chile
things that surround us, people, events, life, death...that somehow alter our lives and impal us into action or simply, to muse or write about the complex world we live in.....as just spectators...!!!
Previous Posts
- Inspiration...it may come from various sources, it...
- Everything has been said, every note played, every...
- o h j e v o u d r a i t a n t q u e t u t...
- Bits and pieces of thoughts coming to demand an an...
- Artists display confessions of passers-by...
- By popular demand!!!! N A D A ..... Es carenci...
- I can't be blamed for - not chasing love but rathe...
- it's still, the same story, a fight for love and ...
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