Nicholas Kritoff, The New York Times columnist, wrote yesterday his column entitled
IMPULSIVE, IMPETUOUS, IMPATIENT aout Sen. McCain, and he invited comments:
September 29th,
12:04 pm
WHEN MR MCcAIN SAYS “VICTORY IN IRAK” isn´t he actually insulting the total population of the US plus a great part of the world….or perhaps he believes he´s addressing fools….
Is it “victory” the over 3,000 americans -young ones - dead..or the many more wounded and permanently injured inside their souls? What about the other side? the over 60,000 Iraki civilian deads (if not more) that should be alive today had this stupid war not taken place?
It takes all people to make a world, goes the saying, so I know that I have to contend with stupidity of many americans who know NOTHING of what goes on beyond their borders, or understand other values, or even value what they have at home,
those who believe that defense of freedom is the unrestricted use of arms rather than the use of brains. Those who fill out to capacity their stadiums to weatch a super-bowl without a word amidst the fanfarria for the young men fighting a war that is taking place at the same time the game is played….that is not the America that I knew once and that I love…that is not the place that was my dream to come to from a foreign underdeveloped country, in search of the realization of dreams evoked by their music, their talent, their enterprise, their defense of true values held dear by democracies around the world - that lead their young children to foreign lands twice during the last century - against Hitler.That was the America that the world was proud of having as a partner and friend..my own dear friend….
— Posted by victor monsalve


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