I DID NOT DO IT.....!!!!
As I read the news today, get the facts of the world and what I read is discouraging, even after we have a new President, Mr. Barack Obama elected to change things, the awful picture of an America and world scene today.....remain dismaying!!.And as I read about the impeachment of the Governor of Illinois, Mr. Blogojevich, I think: what a shame that all of this had to happen to him, such a nice fellow . because of Mr Barack Obama.....´Cause, if he had not decided to be a candidate for president, the Blogojevich scandal would have never happened. Or, would it?
As I read on I learn that Burger King is in problems over a campaign to sell its stuff using as target of its campaign - the asiduous members of Facebook, who help make friends by the millions with millions of others over the net without even knowing even where they are, or who they are. But Facebook is such a nice place to go to exactly for that: encourage meeting people, make friends, gossiping about whatever is going on (True, I ask myself what´s Facebook getting out of all of this Facebook world mania . ( Or what any of the many others are getting out of other similar websites.)
Then I think of the recent US government bailout , big one, to get out of the hole
banks, industry, finance companies, lending companies, anyone who makes money
from selling or buying whatever there is to sell or to buy. From cars, to houses, to airplanes. all reduced as in a big sale.
Just a couple days ago, I read that the bankers gave themselves big bonusses exceeding 20 billion dollars "for a job well done during 2008¨ (now that´s large sum of money, I won´t even attempt to count the significant zeros) And the question then comes to mind is: : Isn´t it John Doe who is responsible for all of this break of the finance world in America? Isn´t he the one who is to blame for daring to buy a house, for getting himself in debt up to his neck, and for trying to get out his problems only to get in more trouble in trying to patch holes from previous holes, for availing himself of a " new " opportunity offered him by diverse lending institutions to rescue him out of the hole of all his holes?
I say neither Mr. Blogojevich or John Doe are responsible for all this mess.. The real responsbile one for this is George W. Bush, who allowed things to run out of the force of their own volition...no controls. Controls prevent creativity, feed conformism and do not encourage enterprise Let things run the course of time tested success stories. Let things run free as air, as the sun we bathe on at the beach we go to summers to get suntans so attractive and so much desired to adorn our personality. If things had not gone badly for George Bush , President Barack Obama would not have succeeded. Would he?
Whether George Bush had succeeded or not, people would have continued to buy houses, cars, etc. as always in the past. After all, consumerism is an important part way of the US way of life..´cause the power and the richnes of the system requires that people spend their money - and even the money that they do not have - the plastic money - to keep the system rolling, the creative, the innovators, the producers and the consumers doing each its part in the self-feeding mechanism of free enterprise.
In the end, then, who is to blame? Isn´it John Doe -again ? Isn´t he the one who makes possible the Wall Marts, the McDonalds, the Bloomingdales, the General Motors, the Chryslers, the chain of always ready to lend banks?
Or perhaps the real culprit is the father of the president Barack Obama. What was his business coming to America? He should have stayed in Kenya. What business had in
America all those from everywhere who came to the land of the free? Those from
Italy , Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, etc. including the Chinese , the latin americans etc. most of whom comprise now almost 90% of the US population.
The only real american, born in the USA, is the american indian, the Navajos, the .Sioux,etc etc.
A few years back, when the teacher at school asked the chldren to raise their hands to indicate whether their grandfathers had been born in America, only a sole child in class raised his hand - he was an indian child..
America is a melting pot, it is said. for that reason. All sorts of people join in the wish to come to America. That many beneficiaries of their father´s bold search for the US greener pasture turned into deceivers of the trust and welcome they received - which they turned into almost a meltdown pot, is another story :
The Madoffs, the Enrons, the Richard Fulds (who sold his US$13 million house to his wife, for US$100.- to protect the house from legal action against him), and the so many others who availed themselves of the "opportunities" that the land of opportunity provided them with to better themselves and their offspring in a way that no one could have possibly imagined, bright, innovating mavericks that they are...at home in the land of the free(but who mocks freedom) and the home of the brave.... (that they turned into greed)
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