L' AMOUR N ' A PAS D ' AGE........?

I touched her!!!!
- touched , who?
- I touched her....the woman I love
- so what...are you nuts? never touched a woman before?
and what do you mean, 'I touched her',,,,where, how why and, finally...who cares!!!
- I care, and I don't give a hoot who else cares or not....
I'm telling you because .....actually I'm not telling anyone
I am just making all this up, just as sort of a way to introduce the subject..I mean, that I touched her...a FACT!!!
Age is today cause for discrimination. In looking for a job .
A 40/45year old man finds it.tough if not impossible to land a job. The employment
matter is a disaster: people working for almost nohing, dismissed or fired from their jobs
without much notice, if any..people working without a contract, on a day-to-day basis..somewithout the coverage of social benefits.
It's s sad story.

But this is not about trying to find work, I'm not in the job market any more. I'm retired.
A story that is quite different...I mean...it deals with the subject of love..
A retired man still worrying about love? some would probably say....Jesus! the guy
is nuts!! someone else will concur. These and other expressions of....incredulity
will be heard...and they all are the voices of the legion thousands who think that a
man is finished at age 65...period.


L'amour n'a pas d'age....on dit en France. I do not care what they say...the french
or anyone else...the fact is that I touched her!!!

Go ahead, as far i'm concerned,like i said before: I don't give a hoot who thinks
what about the fact that I touched her, quite casually (I hate being sneaky, subreptitious)
and what does that mean? Nothing...for lots of people. I don't know, i'm just guessing!!!

For me..nothing was closer to Nirvana an incredible feeling...NOW, when i relive
the moment!!!

Quite symbolic: it meant - without knowing at the time- that it marked an end... the
end of a foolish attempt ...a sort of departure to reality from a crazy dream...a
departure to reality that had an exquisite ending.. a realization as well that i could not possibly have expected nothing else... Yes, love ages!!! whether dies away or
it's dismissed , the stark reality of your age...brings you down to earth..together
with understanding that it is not wise to fall for a married woman...

Thanks God, that-in any event- I felt manly well for saying, quite sloppily, the
few words to express my love to her....just for saying those words I felt ..manly feeling, I OWE IT TO HER...
content with myself....fully realizing the vast span of the bridge of age between her
and myself....

Thanks, Dr., for unwillingly providing me with a taste of love...I will continue to
believe in it in my old-fashioned way..


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