Loving children once......

the question of when children became adults. When the sweetness, candor,
innocence, spontaneity and charm disappear from the child as he grows into
adulthood. All the glory,the souvenirs of past years that is shown in old family
photos,a father and mother surrounded by two, three loving, playful, smiling,
happy children...that in years to come will be the fathers , the mothers , the grand-
parents and grandomothers of new generations of children, and so on...
It is not that fathers and mothers become old. This is a natural process, it is the
cycle of life. The more important question is where are those happy, innocent and
loving faces , or traces, or even shadows thereof, now present in the faces of
the now parents and mother, grandfathers and gandmothers? Of course the wear and tear
will show in many ways as the years go by in their bodies ., faces and behavior .
However.. must those beautyful features of the young child be gone forever? must all
grown ups entirely
be ridden of those children body and features that they retained and was theirs only at one
period of time in their lifetime? No single feature retained? Must the happy-go-lucky
atittude of those children, their smiling faces and innocence and naivity be gone forever?
What happened in the intervenng years? Not that we want to have grown up children...
grant you..but in so many parents or grandparents there seems to have completely
dissapeared most if not all of the traces to a point where one wonders how is it that
this man's features are so dissimilar to those shown in the family album when he was
a beautiful 3 year-old youngster.!!!
It is fatherhood that has taken over...and when that happens there is no going back!!!
Do these 2 women resemble each other?
They are ONE person at 12 and 30 years of age.

USA TODAY, National Geographic "Tracks down Afghan girl"
Gracias por tu comentario y visitar mi blog, en algun sentido lo que me dices es verdad, pero aveces ahi que reinventarce mientras van sucediendo las cosas para salir adelante, y poder segir en este mundo...
Con respecto a tu post mucho no puedo comentar ya que mi engles es malo...
Que estes bien cuidate bye, bye...
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