... vine a encontrar y experimentar una experiencia unica: estar presente en el pais donde hay elecciones presidenciales. Unos 12 candidatos de los cuales un tercio son mujeres.
Are we on the eve of having a woman being elected as President of France? Today the results of the first round of the election gave as front runners and therefore contendants for the second round May 7, I believe, Nicolas Sarkozy and Segolene Royal,with 30 and 25 percent of the registered voters, respectively, choosing them as their preferred candidates.
A mon avis, a remarkable civic demonstration with close to 75 percent of registered voters casting their votes, or very close to 3 out of 4 francais exercising their democratic right.
What was incredible about this election? I believe the number of women candidates: 4 .Next, the high vote showing obviously a very high interest in the event. A 15 percent abstention is indeed very low, by all means.
My curiosity was for the kind of showing that Mme. Segolene Royal would put up. I am just a foreigner looking on... simply an spectator. But even as an spectator I can have preferences....mine was.. or is, her.... a beautiful woman -first- and a sage one -second- or the other way around if you prefer. Segolene Royal is my kind of woman... but with a number of pluses that would derail any attempt from a suitor to conquer her: She has4 children, she is simply not only good looking but intelligent, sure of herself, quelle allure! she has..
She is a politician -obviously - but you would never see or hear a politician like her: she is so poised, calm, imposing is the word - I believe. if you hear her delivery you will find that she does not shout...or holler, there is no stridency to her speech!! (As so many politicians resort to to suppossedly bring home an important - all important - point of their program.) She so carefully delivers each syllable from each word she pronounces...and then, how silence- -almost complete- engulf the facility and her followers, you KNOW that they are listening.
Id say she commands their attention without saying it in words.
And while being counter punched in interviews she intently listens and so gracefully offers an smiling , femenine, look showing her wonderful self-control, together with an admirably put an extensive reply.
Am I overdoing it....? All I can say is that I fell for her: for the woman, for her beauty (she has 4 children) ... for her delivery, for her allure! For the display of potential contribution to the world that I see and have always felt that only women can deliver....that could eventually help save this EARTH!!!
While listening to her and "devouring" her with my eyes I thought: Is she a new, modern,updated version of Jeanne D Arc, the fille from Orleans ? Of course the enemy this time is a domestic one, and the circumstances altogether different.
In any event it is only an expression of my freedom of speech that I am freedom of choice has long deserted me....voila!!
Would you agree with my assessment, Madame le Presidente?
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