Recently -out of curiosity- I decided to take a real age test online. I got the results....this is more or less what I wrote to the test takers:Gentlemen, I 've just read your 'estimate' or determination that my real age is more than my calendar age. LOL LOL.....or if you prefer spanish: ja, ja ja!!!
I do not want sound upset or mad or histeric, but....hey....whatever methods you use for doing your work...IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY.....My real age is lower than my calendar age -NOT 7 YEARS
OVER MY CALENDAR AGE - for reasons that are not even considered in your long questionaire.
You base your findings with total disregard of facts that are nowhere comtemplated in your long list of apparently relevant questions... how can you measure 'spirit', physical fitness , emotional life...daily activity?
The factors that you DO consider into this 'test' are mostly bodily intake of food or medication..what you CANNOT and you do NOT MEASURE IS what is INSIDE the carcass that is the human body...i.e.
your mind, your thoughts, your emotional life, your creativity...things which are not performed by the liver, stomach, lungs or even your heart..all of which are dependent of those that I mention above...THEY'RE INSIDE, ...they do not have physical shape, are not visible, are weightless
are abstract ELEMENTS if you will...but are THERE... they allow you to walk, to move your arms, to embrace and to pull a trigger...
I'd like to pose a question : how does your method determines the size of your this a relevant question in the over-all picture of AGE? Does the orgasm varies in the amount of 'joy' is gives according to physical make-up of the actors....and how and why - OFTEN in the sex act - ..the orgasm is not equally shared by the participants.
Has LOVE ANYTHING to do with this and....what is LOVE? Is IT given any relevance or even consideration in the determination of your results?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------I believe age is in your mind...I recognize my age but I'm not the slave of it...unfortunately lots of folks are made to accept WHAT others decide about your age.: You're too old for this job but you're the right age to go to war...
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