I love this woman!!! I just can´t find the words to describe what I feel attraction for incredibly intelligent woman, very persuasive, strong-willed, determined...and so femenine!!!
After her defeat on the Presidentail Elections in France last June, she has made a strong come-back to the political arena to fight for the Presidency of the Socialist Party (I hope she succeeds!!!!)
and has just published a book , Ma plus belle histoire, c´est vous !!, which has received incredibly good reviews. The mother of 4 children and ex ´companion´ of Francois Hollande, First Secretary of the French PS., she has been compared to Jeanne D´Arc ( I did that as well myself on April 23 blog ) and Le Figaro refers to her as : "Cette femme-la est habitee par des forces superieures"
She does not hide her intention to become a candidate for the France Presidency, again.
I understand she´s been here in Chile twice.
Bravo...Mme. Royal...vous etes mon plus beau reve..!!!.
(and as it´s almost always the case ; Everybody knows....except the loved one)
I hate that women.
She is a fucking socialist, anh she was nearly to complete the destruction of France.
The happy new is that Sarkozy won !!
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