
and they trade me, they soil me, yet they bury their deads within myself.
They divide me, they fence me up, - they use me to separate me from others,
they kill my trees - which are my lungs as well as theirs.

Who delivered me into men's hands? My gas, my gold, copper, silver... and every
conceivable treasure stored within my confines were taken away by their hands.
The air that they breathe, my land hills, my oceans and my mountains.

Who baptized my whole land expanse with names of their own? Who grabbed all my
treasures without payment? Those of my trees, those of my oceans and rivers, those
of my forests.

I gave all that away without asking much in return...just care, nor for the air
they breathe, or the forests that they cut-down, or the oceans which provides them
with the oxygen they need to survive... which they use as garbage disposal for
all their rejects, or for the sun, the stars, the moon and the whole sky for feeding
their dreams, their hopes and their wishes for a better world.

Instead, they spilled dirt on my face, lots of it; they spilled clean, unguilty blood,
which I welcome but that won't delay my slow death either-
in the end that is what they want - and which will theirs as well.

....y me venden, me ensucian , pero entierran en mi seno sus muertos;
me dividen, me cercan, me matan mis arboles - que son mis pulmones y los de ellos.

Quien me entrego a los hombres? El petroleo, el oro, el cobre, la plata y
todo tesoro que encierra mis entranas? El aire que respiran, mis cerros, oceanos y montanas...

Quien le puso nombre a mis partes?
Quien se apodero de mis tesoros sin paga? Los de la fruta, el arbol, el mar, los rios.

Se los di, sin pedirles nada, ni por el aire que respiran, ni por los bosques
que matan, ni por los oceanos que les da el oxigeno que les permite vivir,
y que usan como tonel de desecho para sus propios desechos? Ni por
el sol, la luna las estrellas para que se inspiraran, creara, sonaran...
haciendo un mundo mejor.

En cambio, derramaron sangre en mi rostro, sangre inocente y limpia....que acogo,
mas no atenua mi lenta muerte.... que- ellos lo quieren- : sera tambien de ellos.

A la Tierra (que lleva nombre de mujer)

It is time, for us all
to undo, to repair
to say sorry for all we have done Thee,
that shouldn't have ever been done,
Oh, no!!!

The time's now....it's here now
for us to get back our Earth
from neglect, even greed,
from the pain of destruction....
for mankind, for our sons!!

Won't help us any
to point guilty fingers
this way or that way...
Oh Lord, let's pray
that we learn from mistakes
and omissions
and learn to appreciate Helping Hands
right from Above...for God's sake!



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