He, my friend Eduardo, keeps sending clippings of stories on any imaginable subject. with particular attention to news regarding the democratic primaries in the US. jUST A FEW DAYS BACK HE SENT ME something the appeared in The Guardian, on this subjet.
Interesting, well written and analyzed by the british. I wrote back Eduardo with my own comment regarding this article:

As you know, I´m all for FOR HILLARY...but .... The real question that I see here is whether America has grown civically y culturally to make possible the election of Obama Barack as their President. >I believe that it has not...that there s still a lot of racism, not open most of the times, evident in other cases . Even for me, a chilean-american, sort of an outsider looking in and certainly not physically resembling the american prototype, it is difficult first to understand how Obama got to this point in a primary election for President. Having lived in America for 30 years I got the impression, the feeling and the knowledge of how the race relations work in America...I experienced it, I saw it, I read about it... In 1962, when I got to America there was open segregation, with all that the term implies. Tremendous progress in the view of race problems occurred in the years from then to this date, but... I believe America as a whole is not ready for Obama and I d regret to see that a man that according to so many carries for the first time in american politics a message of real change, a message of hope and togetherness...is set aside for reasons that are really no reasons in a civilized society. I even fear for his life.... America has not reached the point where the measure of grandeur of a nation has been attained.


At Friday, May 02, 2008 12:27:00 AM, Blogger Felipe Iglesias S. said...

I have a question for you:

Is your blog is in Spanish or English?

Please, decide!!!

Greeting, the Pig!


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