Enfoca el proceso eleccionario en USA en articulo en The New York Times hoy dia, analiza lo que el llama OBAMA CONNECTIVITY que, en resumen, situa a Obama obteniendo las ventajss de mejor estrategia al hacer mejor uso de la interconectividad, con referencia -en contraste- con la campaña de Hillary Clinton, menos efectiva.

El Sr. Roger Cohen es el autor del articulo, que ademas publica sus escritos en el International Herald, donde el lector emite su opinion. Esta es la mia hoy dia:
There is a good number of people who think good, sound ideas, and write about them and propagate them There are others who write about what others write or speak.
Readers will repeat quite often what they read or hear about because the words behind the message seem to make sense to him, seems to be accurate, or even truthful.
Most people, I´d say large numbers of Americans do not have the time to think and they are fed on current news and comments. If the story is repeated often enough it will become a fact ,altho fact is not. After all, it is the american way that does it: : MARKETING AND MONEY SEEM TO PREVAIL ABOVE AND BEYOND TRUTH, OBJECTIVITY, INTEGRITY . It´s no problem to spend l50 million to promote a film that cost 180 million. The power of the marketing ideas machine is boundless in its capacity to sell products and ideas and…whatever. are enormous.
It´s not suprising to me see people repeating more or less the same basic speech they hear or read about somewhere. I believe most accept this input in good faith, believing in their hearts to be true. For America to elect a President where the majority expressed views is not acceptable, is something that I do not understand. Who are those Super Delegates and Delegates…who gave them the power to turn around things and do as they wish?
Hillary Clinton is the product of America and yet she is branded all sorts of names and bad words to the point that someone who does not know her, asks himself: Is it possible that such unqualified, vile person , is competing -of all things - to be President of the United States?
Money can buy things, not only goods, but peoples´minds. If America decides that this is a good system for the election of their President,
a system where majority vote does not count, where voters delegate their CHOICE to the decision of others who will decide for them, where money more or money less, will determine where , how and why , the the possibility of a man or a woman truly deserving, truly representing the wishes and the needs of the majority, those who are there to select him (her) , on his or her merits, not on the amount of money spent …..
victor a. monsalve
[119] Posted by: victor monsalve, Santiago, Chile — 27 May 2008 12:42 pm


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