At long last she's here...ladies and gentlemen..I give you....ALMENDRA !!!!
the one and only...this is what you were waiting for...Like I told you forget Whitney
Houston, Mariah Carey...Chimene Badi..forget'm's the unique....
Almendra!!! C'mon babe, kill'm.....!!!!

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she's coming...wait for the great event..we're all sold out..this is just a bit of the'll enjoy it....calm down, hold on to your seats aand please....don't go ..wild...Almendra..don't know her? well...if you know Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey...etc..forget'm..she's so much better...I'm telling you!!!

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- DE NADA...




ON A DAY LIKE TODAY, IT'S APPROPRIATE, quite appropriate..
(quoted from The New York Times)

SINCE it's Valentine's Day, let's dwell for a moment on the profoundly bizarre activity of kissing.
Is there a more expressive gesture in the human repertoire?

When parents kiss their children it means one thing, but when they kiss each other it means something entirely different.
People will greet a total stranger with a kiss on the cheek, and then use an identical gesture to express their most
intimate feelings to a lover. The mob kingpin gives the kiss of death, Catholics give the "kiss of peace,"
Jews kiss the Torah, nervous flyers kiss the ground, and the enraged sometimes demand that a kiss be applied to
their hindquarters. Judas kissed Jesus, Madonna kissed Britney, a gambler kisses the dice for luck. Someone once
even kissed a car for 54 hours straight.

Taxonomists of the kiss have long labored to make sense of its many meanings. The Romans distinguished among the
friendly oscula, the loving basia and the passionate suavia. The 17th-century polymath Martin von Kempe wrote a
thousand-page encyclopedia of kissing that recognized 20 different varieties, including "the kiss bestowed by
superiors on inferiors" and "the hypocritical kiss." The German language has words for 30 different kinds of
kisses, including nachküssen, which is defined as a kiss "making up for kisses that have been omitted."
(The Germans are also said to have coined the inexplicable phrase "A kiss without a beard is like an egg without salt.")
How did a single act become a medium for so many messages?

There are two possibilities: Either the kiss is a human universal, one of the constellation of innate traits, including
language and laughter, that unites us as a species, or it is an invention, like fire or wearing clothes, an idea so good
that it was bound to metastasize across the globe.

Scientists have found evidence for both hypotheses. Other species engage in behavior that looks an awful lot like the
smooch (though without its erotic overtones), which implies that kissing might be just as animalistic an impulse as it
sometimes feels. Snails caress each other with their antennae, birds touch beaks, and many mammals lick each other's
snouts. Chimpanzees even give platonic pecks on the lips. But only humans and our lascivious primate cousins the bonobos
engage in full-fledged tongue-on-tongue tonsil-hockey.

Even though all of this might suggest that kissing is in our genes, not all human cultures do it. Charles Darwin was one
of the first to point this out. In his book "The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals," he noted that kissing
"is replaced in various parts of the world by the rubbing of noses." Early explorers of the Arctic dubbed this the
Eskimo kiss. (Actually, it turns out the Inuit were not merely rubbing noses, they were smelling each other's cheeks).

All across Africa, the Pacific and the Americas, we find cultures that didn't know about mouth kissing until their first
contact with European explorers. And the attraction was not always immediately apparent. Most considered the act of
exchanging saliva revolting. Among the Lapps of northern Finland, both sexes would bathe together in a state of
complete nudity, but kissing was regarded as beyond the pale.

To this day, public kissing is still seen as indecent in many parts of the world. In 1990, the Beijing-based Workers'
Daily advised its readers that "the invasive Europeans brought the kissing custom to China, but it is regarded as a
vulgar practice which is all too suggestive of cannibalism."

If kissing is not universal, then someone must have invented it. Vaughn Bryant, an anthropologist at Texas A&M, has
traced the first recorded kiss back to India, somewhere around 1500 B.C., when early Vedic scriptures start to
mention people "sniffing" with their mouths, and later texts describe lovers "setting mouth to mouth." From there,
he hypothesizes, the kiss spread westward when Alexander the Great conquered the Punjab in 326 B.C.

The Romans were inveterate kissers, and along with Latin, the kiss became one of their chief exports. Not long after,
early Christians invented the notion of the ritualistic "holy kiss" and incorporated it into the Eucharist ceremony.
According to some cultural historians, it is only within the last 800 years, with the advent of effective dentistry
and the triumph over halitosis, that the lips were freed to become an erogenous zone.

For Freud, kissing was a subconscious return to suckling at the mother's breast. Other commentators have noted that
the lips bear a striking resemblance to the labia, and that women across the world go to great lengths to make their
lips look bigger and redder than they really are to simulate the appearance of sexual arousal, like animals in heat.

A few anthropologists have suggested that mouth kissing is a "relic gesture," with evolutionary origins in the
mouth-to-mouth feeding that occurred between mother and baby in an age before Gerber and still takes place in a
few parts of the world today. It can hardly be a coincidence, they note, that in several languages the word for
kissing is synonymous with pre-mastication, or that "sweet" is the epithet most commonly applied to kisses.

But kissing may be more closely linked to our sense of smell than taste. Almost everyone has a distinct scent that
is all one's own. Some people can even recognize their relatives in a dark room simply by their body odor
(some relatives more than others). Kissing could have begun as a way of sniffing out who's who. From a whiff to
a kiss was just a short trip across the face.

Whatever its origins, kissing seems to be advantageous. A study conducted during the 1980's found that men who
kiss their wives before leaving for work live longer, get into fewer car accidents, and have a higher income
than married men who don't. So put down this newspaper and pucker up. It does a body good.

Joshua Foer is working on a book about the science of memory.


-si te dieran la posibilidad de tener una vida de 50 anos, sin experimentar a traves de todos estos anos ninguna enfermedad. catastrofica o incapacitante....o de simplemente aceptar la que todo el mundo vive , goza, sufre y muere, desde el momento que nace...hasta su muerte, fecha desconocida para cada uno de los seres humanos,...que prefiririas? La primera opcion...? o preferirias quedarte con la que tienes?

- la opcion que me presentas no es valida es real
. Ademas, tengo que corregirte.. porque en tengo ninguna opcion. Mi nacimiento
no es algo que yo elegi. OTROS lo decidieron por mi (si es que lo decidieron )
No es real la opcion porque no sabes como o cuando se te ofrece la opcion? Antes de nacer? No es posible, no tienes tienes capacidad de nada...eres alguien respecto de quien LOS
DEMAS deben pensar por ti...

Lo veo solo como una opcion para trama de
una pelicula de ciencia ficcion. De ninguna otra manera....

- Explicate..
- No es un tema factible de suceder...quiero decir, la proposicion no es inteligente porque no es posible
que tal tipo de situacion pueda alguna vez existir...tener lugar...ser vivida

- por que no?

- porque la gente nace y muere sin que nadie, absolutamente nadie, tenga PREVIAMENTE informacion alguna sobre lo que sera su vida despues de nacer., ni ningun control sobre ella, ni control sobre quienes seran sus padres... sobre el lugar fisico en que nace...podria ser Africa, Europa, Asia.....? Podria ser hombre?...Podria sera mujer? Ser
blanca, morena, amarilla...?

- podria ser programada antes de nacer..

- Podria ser posible, si hablas ciencia ficcion... algo que podria ser factible en algunas areas...talvez manipular el sexo, el color de la piel...pero no veo como elegir un determinado pais o determinados padres.
Aun para que esto ocurra - manipular sexo y color de piel -se requeriria
de un aparato cientifico estructurado en forma .. que se yo...totalmente decir,
entrarian en escena elementos hasta ahora desconocidos .. tendria que haber un
plan, un proyecto a gran escala para producir cambios encaminados a
controlar la natalidad mundial...o que se yo que otros cambios...

Todo este proceso de es lo que podriamos llamar un proceso "democratico"...
es nacer un derecho? podria decirse es el derecho a la felicidad el que crea el derecho
de nacer.... pero no es un derecho del que nace, en todo caso.El que nace, antes de nacer
no tiene ningun derecho.

.No es un tema sobre el cual especular, es un tema etico o filosofico?....un tema que nos quite el sueno, o que alguien este ansioso de realizar.. Hablemos de otra cosa....mas trascendente...o menos trascedente.

- pense en la opcion que te propuse porque hay tanta miseria producto indirecto de la enfermedad de personas, tanto nino indigente, pobres, sin padres, sin madres, sin nada....hijos de padres con enfermedades catastroficas e incapacitantes. cancer, SIDA, sobre todo tanta gente de color en condiciones tan disminuida.. No se podria "asignar" padres??? elegir lugares donde nacer...?

-Ya te digo, tendria que ser parte de un "grand plan" -que no visualizo- de control de natalidad con metas bien definidas.

Asi es que, amigo, bien podria ser que Ud. fuera alguien diferente !!!,

Count your blessings!!!!


simplemente musica...desembarco en alcanzo a llegar a Vina 2006, habia
un 'MIGUELITO' en el camino...

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what comes first? the melody line? ...the lyrics? For me it's easier to build something up from the lyrics, which create the mood and some set of images on your mind, which - in turn- help you create the music. When you work the music the other way around, that is when you have the music first is more difficult to have lyrics that wil "fit in" and at the same time that can tell the story....Here..the music came first...and the words did not come easy. IF YOU HAPPEN...

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.....the genesis of this song c'est la France...Je doit dire: Merci beaucoup de me donner l'inspiration ... Mr. Jacques Prevert.. merci encore
for providing me the story - a touching one- for this song... however, it was not to the original words were deja the theme of a well known french song,
Les feuilles mortes...a fact that I totally ignored.. Therefore, I was forced to change the lyrics...and this is what resulted...hope you like it!!!!

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A joke..too cruel..???


FBI Job Opening
> The FBI had an opening for an assassin. After all the background checks, interviews and testing were done, there were 3 finalists?Two men, and a woman.
> For the final test, the FBI agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun "We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair. . . Kill Her!!"
> The man said, "You can't be serious. I could never shoot my wife." The agent said, "Then
> you're not the right man for this job. Take your wife and go home."
> The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about 5 minutes. The man came out with tears in his eyes, "I tried, but I can't kill my wife." The agent said, "You don't have what it takes. Take your wife and go home."
> Finally, it was the woman's turn. She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet.
> The door opened slowly and there stood the woman, wiping the sweat from her brow. "This gun is loaded with blanks" she said. "I had to beat him to death with the chair."
> MORAL: Women are evil. Don't mess with them.

Jean Claude DebussyOne of my french favorites, together with others like Satie, Faure, Liszt, Mahler and so many others. Claire de Lune is probably one of the best known pieces by him and , in this case, an intereswting MIDI version, which I think it's pretty well treated and performed, considering the MIDI limitations as far as audio is concerned... we can still enjoy it and relax...maybe even ...dream while we listen......sorry, uploading of file was cut short due to fact that copyrighted music is protected and can' t be uploaded.

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En las Cartas al Director de "El Mercurio" de hoy el tema Indice de Delincuencia produjo un debate. Un Sr. Gibson sostiene que el problema de delincuencia en Chile es equivalente a un "simple resfrio".o sea, lo reduce a una minima expresion. Numerosas personas rechazaron de plano la frivola e inaudita apreciacion del Sr. Gibson, personas que sufrieron en algun momento la experiencia de sufrir lo inesperado y traumatizante experiencia de un asalto , robo, etc.

Me parecio inaudito, ya lo digo, y envie mi propia opinion a "El Mercurio":

Es dificil entender lo que mucha gente entiende en las palabras..." la un resfrio,"
Para tales, aquello de que "Los muertos gozan de buena salud", no es una expresion
enteramente falta de logica....como no encuentran logico que se entienda el temor, la inquietud y hasta la paralizacion
fisica ante la experiencia de un asalto....como no entender cual es el significado de "una"
vida...como no entender el respeto y la garantia de ciertos derechos insertos en la mayoria de las
Constituciones de gobierno del mundo, que los confieren, los afirman, los proclaman y los defienden:

El derecho a la vida, a la felicidad, a la privacidad, a la libertad de expresion, todo lo cual implica
calidad de vida, implica cultura, conciencia civica y social...en fin, CIVILIZACION.l

Listen to my music (*) your own risk!!!!!

Music is for everyone
I don't know if this is gonna's my first attempt to link this blog to
my media blog..."nonewsisgoodnews"
Will take it up from this point...
(*) except where otherwise noted.

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