Mi amigo Eduardo en USA esta permanentemente viendo las noticias de Chile y estamos en permanente contacto....yo no habria pensado hacer ninguna referencia al respecto...
pero -vaya !- me envio un articulo aparecido en La Nacion sobre la derrota de Chile ante Paraguay con su comentario: Parece que tiene razon!!!(quien escribe el articulo)
Lei el articulo y mi reaccion se la hice saber a traves de un email y es la siguiente:
Una larga perorata para decir que le dolio mas que a otros la paliza de los paraguayos....pero habla mucho pero no de lo que EL DEBIA SABER PORQUE HA SIDO LA HISTORIA PERMANENTE... que es la archiconocida,pero archi-ignorada, vale decir no mencionada ni tocada razon de no solo este sino de muchos otros descalabros ocasionados por chilenos en cualquier nivel...quiero decir esto teniendo en mente por ejemplo...el TRANSANTIAGO... la reforma a la educacion que se proclama como tal pero que NO LO ES... habria que ver como ejemplo de esto la formacion de los profesores ..y ver el origen de su formacion causa incredulidad y a la vez explica por que el profesorado particiularmente el de estudios preuniversitario, tiene una formacion calamitosa - tendrias que leer algo al respecto- y aun asi, rehusan ser
revaluados...ver si reunen los requisitos para ensenar..... "perdimos por detalles....', dijeron algunos jugadores...HE ahi la respuesta. Los detalles no tienen real importancia...o sea, era facil decir como buen argumento: "Si no nos hubieran metidos esos tres goles, habriamos empatado..." Los detalles....alli, en USA aprendi. mejor dicho se reforzo en mi la importancia de los detalles. 'SI vale la pena hacerlo, vale la pena hacerlo bien!! se dice alli...eso no se entiende aqui...como no se conoce que la gente se conoce por los detalles...y hablando de detalles en gente como la del futbol (convengamos que es el deporte donde converge...quien? la gente del estrato social mas bajo..por razones logicas, por razones que son practicas. No es chile un forjador de tenistas (Massu con respaldo economico familiar igual que lo fueron Fillol, Omar Pabst, etc. Gonzalez ..su familia entera se fue a USA no hay nada mejor y se agrava la situacion por el bagaje o la 'mochila' que llevamos todos los chilenos de una idiosincracia que no se asemeja a ninguna otra en latinoamerica...por que?....los temblores , la geografia, el hecho de que aqui NADA ES DE VIDA O MUERTE...NI AQUI, NADIE SE MUERE DE HAMBRE...por lo tanto...en el fondo...si agregamos el clima de este pais que no facilita ni actividad, ni movimiento..el que obliga a moverse y correr y a sufrir un poco con inviernos crudos o calores sofocantes, que aca no existen....aqui todo es MEDIOCRE y eso es y ha sido bastante para sobrevivir...lo demas son expresiones de..."ojala que ganemos..." ES LO QUE HAY.....'
El Sr.Bielsa creo es un excelente coach pero tiene que dejar de lado su modo casi diplomatico...no hay vigor en su discurso...si hay juicio y hay razones, pero no es lo que deben escuchar los jugadores...estos deben ser "chucheados" si asi lo demanda pero al mismo tiempo justo y reconocedor. El primer gol paraguayo fue una verguenza...un desatino...un mal entendido ..llamenlo como quieran....pero HUBO FALLA VERGONZOSA DE LA DEFENSA...de los tres ultimos ...ninguno de ellos, NINGUNO de ellos se despercudio...era una pelota tan inofensiva....El futbol es un retrato de esta sociedad...mediocre porque la mediocridad y el subdesarrollo tienen la ventaja de que nadie se da cuenta de ello PORQUE EL SISTEMA - TAL COMO LO CONOCEN ELLOS- ES LO UNICO QUE CONOCEN Y POR LO TANTO ....es normal!!! Es como si en todas partes fuera lo mismo....
Podria continuar...pero no creo que el tema vale la pena...es un caso perdido!!!
Saludos a todos...

Link hacia el Artículo: No hablemos de fútbol

ETEE - IV The Body of World's Peoples

The Board of Elders of the Outside Constellation, after carefull examination of
the Earth Report by Etee, in charge of the Action Plan to Save the Earth urged the creation of sub-plans. One such is the Body of Peoples of the World.

There should be a clear, precise unambiguous statement of the purpose of this project being presented to the leaders of all member countries.

The Body of Peoples of the World is a sub-plan recommended by the Schedule of Reform for the Rescue of the Earth Planet as a step prior to the execution of the Plan B for a Discretional Orbit Change, originally recommended for prompt execution given the large degree of deterioration of the Earth habitat..

The BOWP and other sub-plans are designed to maintain a balance and check
of contributing Elements that are essential to sustain life on Earth or, to hold back its deterioration process while other corrective measures can be found that will render unnecessary the Erradication of Earth and Orbit Change plan.

The BOWP is created with one purpose in mind, that of helping individuals residing
whithin the confines of individual nations. Individuals who claim are being victimized without recourse of justice. The claims submitted for judgement by the BOWP are violation of human rights, torture or any form of discrimination, deprivation or punishment.

The BOWP is a unique organization in the sense that its role is that of mediating in conflicts between subjects or individuals of one member nation and their government.

It is not created for solving the problems of individuals between nations, or between one nation and another nation or nations. Which is the area of concern of the UNITED NATIONS.

Having defined the jurisdiction of BOWP, it will be the task of the Violation Claims Body of the BOWP to determine clearly the nature and range of the cases submitted and decide whether they can be brought to their consideration and judgement. A separate chapter provide grounds for determining causes for intervention by the BOWP.

The BOWP is not a Justice Tribunal nor does administer justice or is bestowed
With any enforcing capacity. It advises governments of claims against them, issues Warnings and impose sanctions as described in the BOWP Constitution. An
apropriate description of its function would be that it is similar to that
function implemented in some countries and known as the OMBUDSMAN , only with both a larger scope of action and geographic jurisdiction.

All member countries who signed the Constitution of the BOWP have agreed to abide by the BOWP’s governing Constitution. Claims of intervention in the internal affairs of any of the Member countries are dismissed altogether, as approved by consensus decision of all member countries..

The BWP reaffirms the sovereignty and Independence of all member countries, The whole community applauds the opening of doors to inspection of their house affairs, a gesture which commands the respect and admiration of all member nations.

Etee will advise and alert Earthians of these plans in detail and will unfold the considerations that prompted their creation.
There should be no opposition to the execution of these sub plans, which will be carried out By their own, that is by Earth leaders.
- o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o - o

They sat in Grandpa’s living-room. Etee and Grandpa. Fixed regards upon each other, yet..their regard .. was a friendly regard.
Etee speaks:

I recall exactly, sir, what you told me the time when we first met. Some of the words expressed in your ideas are incorporated into the core of our plans here in your Earth.
- We have reported to our Superiors, sir, on the situation that your Earth is facing. It is not a pleasant picture to describe...there are serious problems here which are very definitely contributing factors to the deterioration of your Earth Environment. So what we are doing is to try and alleviate the prevalent conditions by working sub-plans that are directed to solve problems. Some of these problems may not be readily discerned by you but Time will show that - if no prompt action is taken – that they are actual, true and Hold Potentially danger to life here on Earth.

- We recognize your concern, sir, about our Save the Earth Action Plan. Specifically. All that these sub- plans have to do with solving the Global Warming problem And Earth Deterioration: I repeat, All these plans should be enacted promptly as they are the main contributing factors to the Earth deterioration..

Grandpa shifts his seating position and firmly asks:

-......and, sir, are these plans you talk about...are they...effective? Is there a real danger...facing our Earth?

Etee answers:
Yes sir, there is a serious danger. For instance, you are used ...you have all
your life been used to wear clothing..different for winter or summer, to protect yourself from cold or heat. Imagine what it would be like if you had no use any longer for winter clothing as you know it....it would not be enough to keep you warm. Or heat, for instance, you are familiar with temperatures winter and summer... but you can’t imagine what it could be to experience 40 , 45 or even 50 degrees Celsius of temperature in summer time. The human being, yourself, are not used to that kind of heat...your body chemistry is conditioned to normal Earth temperatures . It can withstand border line heat.. not
Beyond ....
The consequences of extreme heat for the human body are too serious to disregard... too serious not to do something quick to avoid the danger of...
Suffocation, inhability to breath,breaking down of your respiaratory system....and death.



From The New York Times - Nov 18
By David Rieff

Bona fide examples of poetic justice in politics, where the innocent are vindicated and the wicked get their just deserts, are about as rare in real life as they have been commonplace in popular culture, dating at least as far back as “The Count of Monte Cristo.” And yet to the extent that such things do occur, the political triumph of Michelle Bachelet, the current president of Chile — and the first woman in South America who can be said to have earned the title on her own merits — has been just such an event. The woman who was, as a 23-year-old medical student, briefly imprisoned along with her mother by the dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet and whose father, Air Force Gen. Alberto Bachelet, was tortured and died in military custody in 1974, is now Chile’s chief of state — while the dictator died, his reputation in tatters, shortly after she took office.
Of course, Bachelet is not a character in an adventure novel, and Chilean reality is far more complicated than a morality play. To the contrary, Bachelet, now two years into her presidency, is a prime example of the moral quandaries and emotional strains that still affect Chileans old enough to remember the Pinochet dictatorship. As many pointed out to me during a recent visit, Chile is not South Africa, and Bachelet’s ruling Concertación alliance — bringing together a number of center and center-left parties — is not the African National Congress. The transition to democratic rule in Chile was not, as in the case of South Africa, a case of a losing side and a winning side. After the democratic government of President Patricio Aylwin assumed power, Pinochet remained commander of the armed forces and senator for life. (He was stripped of senatorial immunity after his indictment for crimes against humanity by the Spanish magistrate, Baltasar Garzón.) A result is that to this day, 17 years after the return of democracy, Chileans of all political persuasions still live in something of a state of contradiction.
Sometimes that is not easy. The writer Jorge Edwards, a supporter of Bachelet’s, told me that you need to remember how small the Chilean elite was in 1973. Edwards was a diplomat under Salvador Allende, the Socialist president whom the Chilean military overthrew that year, and he spent most of the Pinochet era in exile, “Today,” he said, “it is not uncommon for a person who was tortured to cross paths with the person who ordered his torture.” What usually happens then? “Usually, they pretend not to see each other,” Edwards replied and, sighing, added, “Perhaps it’s for the best.”
Bachelet certainly behaves as if she agrees and has governed accordingly. During our interview, Bachelet evinced no particular emotion about what happened to her either in jail or in exile. Chilean friends who know her told me this was typical. Only twice, in fact, did Bachelet seem to need to compose herself. The first time was when she was describing the circumstances of her father’s arrest, torture and death. The second moment surprised me; it came when I asked Bachelet whether as minister of defense — the post she occupied under her predecessor as president, Ricardo Lagos — she had been tempted to go after those who had killed her father. Even if she hadn’t known before who they were, she could certainly have found out.
She had not, she told me after a pause. She said this matter-of-factly, without preening. It was, she said, a personal choice, and she made a point of discussing it with her mother, making it clear that her mother should not feel herself bound by her daughter’s decision. Her mother also decided not to investigate further, and the family let the matter rest there.
In any case, Bachelet told me, “Many people who committed the worst abuses are in jail, including several of the people I have reason to believe were among my father’s torturers.” Then she added, “And you know my father died of a myocardial infarction after torture, whereas his torturers were in jail for far worse crimes.”
Whatever else you can say about Michelle Bachelet, there is not an ounce of self-pity in her. She herself says that she is “a world-historical optimist. And of course, when one is in jail, one discovers the real value of liberty. You come to appreciate what before you took for granted. What I was mostly interested in, what I remain committed to, is less dwelling on the past than creating a better future.”
There are limits to her optimism. As she puts it, “We Chileans may not be able to agree about what happened, but we can agree we have established the consensus that we have to resolve our problems democratically,” adding that “a strong consensus now exists in Chile that human rights must be sacrosanct.” But Bachelet is not naïve. She knows full well that many Chileans still believe the military’s coup against Allende was warranted, and while the country is far less divided than it used to be, important cleavages remain. Although she does not say this explicitly, I had the impression that she is not persuaded Chileans will ever reach a similar consensus about the past. Painful as it is for many, above all the victims of the Pinochet era, they may have to agree to disagree. Bachelet is careful not to claim too much. “I don’t use the phrase ‘reconciliation’ because it is a religious expression,” she told me. “Besides, reconciliation implies turning the page.”
Bachelet was saying, in effect, that there have to be limits to collective accountability even as the government tries its best to prosecute those guilty of individual crimes during the dictatorship. There can be judicial redress, but the chances of South African-style truth and reconciliation are slim. South Africa had clear winners and losers. In Chile, many of the leading figures within National Renewal, the center-right opposition, supported the dictatorship and even opposed the return to civilian rule in the plebiscite that Pinochet called in 1988 and that led to his stepping down.
In any case, for Bachelet, reconciliation is a problematic concept for reasons other than its practical applicability. “In my view,” she told me, “it does a disservice to the memories of the thousands of victims of the Pinochet regime, to the many thousands more who were tortured and to their families — many of whom still do not know what actually happened to their relatives, spouses, friends.”
Bachelet’s refusal to speak of reconciliation has been welcomed by the associations representing the families of the disappeared. One of their leaders, Lorena Pizarro, told me that she and her colleagues felt that Bachelet was more open to their concerns than her predecessors were. “The president understands in a visceral way, a way I feel that none of her predecessors have, how imperative it is for us to know what happened, what anguish it is not to know, even after all these years. Perhaps it is because she suffered herself.”

David Rieff, a contributing writer, covered

ETEE - three

Etee took some time to explain how the "black spots" detected in the human process came to the attention of the Elders after observing initial results of projects designed to test and rate the Earthian management of Earth Affairs .The earth of these human beings does not evolve by love alone. As a matter of fact, the test of love Itself would flunk!!, he concluded.
What’s this story about Saving the Earth... about ‘cleaning up’ our house –where some 6 billions People live- about neglect of the environement....and, finally, what this story about ‘changing the Orbit of the Earth’?

These questions came to Grandpa’s mind, and he reflected on them. It was true that there was Disorder and chaos in the way some goverments lead their countries. It was true that there was Poverty and gaps, big gaps between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’. It was true that people, poor People always had to contend with promises, false promises by those elected by them to try and Solve their problems, that were never solved , or their questions answered.

Yet, he felt, those problems would be dealt eventually by the leaders of those countries afflicted With the problems, individually. in a large Forum set up by the United Nations.

So, what is really the reason for aliens to come to Earth?

What do history books tell us? the birth of a nation, their heroes, their struggles. their victories and their defeats. Perhaps from as far back as 3500 or 4000 years the events of history have been recorded. There are books available by the thousands explaining what went on at what time and who were the main actors. In all cases history will recount the history of men battling other men or nations battling other natiions all populated by men. The inhabitants of this earth.

It is therefore unthinkable and not readily credible the notion of a possible invasion by alien beings from outer space to conquer the Earth,

But there are more questions: what exactly would be the prize to be won by the alien conquerors over the defenseless earthian human beings. The richness the of soil of the Earth?, the oil wells, the gold, silver mines? The seas and their richness, sources of food, of medication..?

Still, there is another question not posed until now: What is there on this earth that stands as the most desirable prize to be had by any single nation? Something that any nation would be willing to sacrifice to get hold oft?

He wondered why these questions came to his mind. As he wondered about his own answers. It was as if he had some premontion of events to come. Curious and inquisitive as he was, Grandpa was trying to think and find answers .. Etee had told him:

- You and your Grandson are the only people on Earth who know who
I am and what I am doing here. If you report me no one will believe you. I am here on an important Mission for you and everyone on Earth ..a mission that we’ll carry out to the letter. We want to Save the Earth... we want to prevent its destruction by your own people.

Etee, continued:

- As you can see, I am a real person , a person you can see now..., but you may not and will not see me if I do not want to be seen. I will not tell you more about myself or give you more information about exactly how I will execute our work. We know what the family of Earth people can do well and do poorly or bad as well.

Grandpa, of course, knew about Etee thru his grandson, Pedrito.

Pedrito assured him that what he recounted, were things told to him by Etee.
Grandpa pondered... give full credence to what he heard from his Grandson?
He knew Pedrito well . He knew that what he told him were not stories made-up in
his childish imagination.

More importantly, he got to meet Etee, ‘personally’. Reluctant at first, He finally was won by the force of Etees’ views .The nature of the data given him was so accurate and showed that he knew more about humans than he believed possible..

Grandpa, somehow got to discern what was on Etee’s mind , the subjects that caused concern to him.
Words enable men to express ideas or thoughts. The ‘word’ can be good or bad. Writers or thinkers are recognized and the world gives them credit for their work. But there is another side to the ‘word’.
The mean side, that destroys and falsely lead peoples to expectations that will not materialize. Etee considered it ‘evil’ in that sense.

The power of speaking provide men with means of communication , necessary to generate action, to motivate, to generate work and open possibilities required to ensure survival......

We need the education to empower men, to give them the ability to communicate effectively, to enable them To articulate well their ideas and the expression of their rights and equally to write, to think, to analize using the Power of reason.

Languages throughout the Earth are so numerous. They could represent barriers of communication between nations and at the same time languages are a real challenge to test a true desire of communication and understanding.

Speech is what one would like to hear and what one wouldn't like to hear. This sunject deals with a number of other factors such as education and quality of life.

What we would always like to hear are themes that can help us get rid of personal fears, or endorse plans or projects that ensure our personal safety, such as fears of certain groups of people because of their different features, color of skin or religion, or even their habits and ways of living..
There are speakers knowleadgable of a kind of speech that appeal to emotions and breed rancor and hate. Preconceived resentments easily surface kindled by the fire of the speaker, easily arousing feelings that may come out as deep resentments...how others make so much money, how freely they dispense of it or how they are talked about...etc. .

The best example of the power of the speech are the marketing projets.. It is so frequent that through a marketing process we are forced to see, the figure of an individual reaching heights of popularity and money-making capabilities because of a given technique or product being promoted.

An incredibly large number of people are constantly ridden of their money or other income thru a number of ‘schemes’ that look so appealing that ‘you just can’t let this opportunity to slip by’.

Marketing techniques ,even if not too sophisticated, will sell not only ideas but gadgets, good or bad, as well as products and personal characters of doubtful quality.

Speech power was and will always be an effective arm mostly used by so many called "leaders". Hitler was one of them The people listened fascinated. This is our man!!! He says what I want to hear..he'll do what I want done!!

Were all of those who listened to him fools? No, they simply believed him. Individuals in crowds, sometimes do not discern,they just like to hear what they want to hear...the adrenaline flows and the combat speech rubs on easily and they explode and become wild and belligerent. They are convinced : ‘this is our man!!!

Speech can cause serious damage to a society, if delivered unresponsibly.Perhaps all of those who entertain the idea of becoming ...politicians should first write, then deliver his speech. Words being said that were written prior to the speech tend to make a delivery more sensical , humane and believable, devoid of fear and threat..

The power of the "masses" is inconmensurable - just the sheer numbers thay they comprise, a Sight of endless rows of faces looking directly at you, the speaker, faces that only the speech maker can see. They can't see themselves as part of a crowd...only as individuals...but at the same time they know that the proximity to others, to many others, sharing the same ideas makes him feel so powerful.

On the other hand, the speaker in front of this mass of people frantic with exclamations of approval and belligerent shouts , receives for himself a wrong dosage of discretion and exultation....he is a powerful individual, backed by all these people, this tremendously large mass of people that he alone can attract, he alone can see from above this podium, he alone can be seen as presiding over a path of happines and well-being for them...

God bless him and grant him the power of realization of all his promises.....



How strong can family ties be? How desperate can someone become for lack of an opportunity to work?
The courage, the will power and the desperation of illegal immigrants is a story that is largely unknown by the world. Their fight, their struggle to cross border lines, facing the
dangers not only of being exposed or even killed in their attempt but prey to other dangers as well. It reflects on a kind of spirit that refuses to surrender and strives for personal and family survival amidst the dessilussion and poverty and neglect surrounding poor people everywhere. It reflects on the incapacity of leaders to face a sad reality suffered by their own.
Mexican illegal or legal immigrants living as a group continue to take chances to cross the border risking their lives just to give themselves the opportunity to find works in a country where such work opportunities allow them the posibility of sending money home to their dear ones.
A recent article on The New York Times gives account of the situation of families of in Mexico, who used to receive money on a regular basis from their husbands or parents in USA who now are suffering a situation a shortage, or scarce fund being received due to economic conditions prevailing in the US....The situation reflects on the plightof those left behind in the homeland who now have less to eat or have given up on hopesof building that extra room or house with the money that was sent to them.
On top of that, recent wildfires in the USA have caused that many illegal immigrants trying to flee from the fires fall right in the hands of the border Police.....While the bodies of others like them will remain forever, their bodies charred by fire,in the land they tried to conquer...as a silent and unknown testimony of courage to defy adversity...
RODEO, Mexico — For years, millions of Mexican migrants working in the United States have sent money back home to villages like this one, money that allows families to pay medical bills and school fees, build houses and buy clothes or, if they save enough, maybe start a tiny business.
But after years of strong increases, the amount of migrant money flowing to Mexico has stagnated. From 2000 to 2006, remittances grew to nearly $24 billion a year from $6.6 billion, rising more than 20 percent some years. In 2007, the increase so far has been less than 2 percent.
Migrants and migration experts say a flagging American economy and an enforcement campaign against illegal workers in the United States have persuaded some migrants not to try to cross the border illegally to look for work. Others have decided to return to Mexico. And many of those who are staying in the United States are sending less money home.



ETEE is an alien creature on Earth on an specific assignment. He
Comes to the Planet Earth from The Constellation of the Outside in
charge of a task force , Action Plan To Save the Earth, designed
initially to observation and analysis of Earth humans, their
management of Earth matters, their problems and report on how
they deal with these problems concerning their lives.

ClonedMan 8217 is how this alien is called in the Constellation
Of the Outside. His Task Force designed name is Etee.

The nature of the Task Force, simply put, contemplates use of all
the vast resources at the disposal of the Constellation of the
Outside for the implementation of the plan the Elders and the Body
of Elders jointly designed for The Task Force mission To Save the

First, a preliminary report called for Plan A, will deal among
others,with the following:

1) The deteroration of the Earth Environment and determination of
causes and assign responsibilities.

2. Determine how global warming affects life on Earth’s resources,
Living conditions and health.

3. Particularly, report on the relations between countries, on the
Living conditions of the poor with emphasis on the problems of feeding,
Housing, education and health within each country.

What is behind this project by the Constellation of the Outside?

The most important reason is the inbalance of the Constellation of the
Outside and its Neighbouring planets in the Orbital Space. This is a
Subject that is not easy to explain. Those with training in Physics,
Astronomy and Mathematics might be able to deal with the subject.

For the purposes of this report, it will suffice to say that the
Deteroration of the Earth imposes a duty on us not just to save The
Earth but also to prevent danger of an Orbital Inbalance and life
preserving Sustainability of the Whole Constellation as a direct
consequence Of the Earth Environment Deteroration.

This danger poses an unusual question in the minds of the Elders:
That of whether we should use our power and technology to assist a
foreing power and in the absence of a negative response, to act
on our own assuming the full right to preserve the Orbital Balance
of the Orbital Space by launching our Action Plan to Save the Earth
and whatever other means in order to assure the continuation of life,
as detailed in Plan B, in our own Constellation. The Action Plan to
Save the Earth was conceived and received full approval of the Body
of Elders of the Outside Constellation.

A last resort measure calls for the execution of Plan B, which will
attempt to Change the Orbit of the Planet Earth. This plan will cancel
if and when the results of Plan A, are known and its conclusions are
rated satisfactorily by the Body of Council of the Elders.


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