Eclipse....dos astros en el espacio
en citas informales convergen y se miran...
a los ojos del mundo se saludan,
se tocan, se estrechan en uno solo...

ilusorio!! Jamas se llegan a tocar...

Vino facil, sin buscar, surgio espontanea
tu persona, un tramite usual..y ahi estabas..
tu jugueton gesto, inpesado, casi infantil :
pense en voz alta !que mujer tan fascinante!
..y me escuchaste...gracias!

Mas tarde en el tiempo dijiste:
ahi no te puedo ayudar....
Curaste mis heridas pero mataste la ilusion

... ahora veo el pasillo blanco..
desierto de tu ir y venir...
miro tu asiento blanco .
que sostiene tu cuerpo
y acaricio en mi mente el espacio
todavia tibio de ti .. y divago..
y me hundo en ellos..todos ellos..
todos los detalles que son tuyos...
solo tuyos
no te quiero, sino porque te quiero
y de quererte a no quererte llego


RE; TEMAS ECONOMICOS editorial de El Mercurio del 16 de Diciembre, 07.
Ignoro quien es el autor.

He escrito a El Mercurio el comentario siguiente:

Un reciente editorial de El Mercurio sobre la cuestion del salario ‘etico’, menciona una y otra vez Al sr. Robert Sirico opinando sobre como representa un desastre para las economias la acogida a la idea del salario ‘etico’ minimo..
Robert Sirico. Este senor tiene multiples caras y un historial que muestra voltoretas impresionantes de ideas politico-religiosas. El Acton Institute es una organizacion ultra conservadora que, entre otras cosas, recibe financiamiento economico de Exxon para promover la idea de que el calentamiento global no es sino un ‘hoax’, una farsa, que el Acton Institute acoge y promueve y sustenta, junto con otras empresas de mas envergadura que tambien reciben aportes de Exxon para marketear su campana de negacion total de la existencia del problema de calentamiento global y el con siguiente deterioro ambiental.
Sus ideas representan las de extremo conservantismo y su posicion de que
el aumento de salarios produce un desastre en las economias son muestras claras de su ubicacion politica .

Me sorprende leer este ultimo parrafo: (del editorial)

"Establecer precios y alarios “justos”, “éticos” o “de equilibrio” es imposible, porque, como afirmaba en 1643 el cardenal jesuita Juan de Lugo, estos valores dependen de tan grande cantidad de circunstancias específicas, que sólo Dios podría conocerlos. (?)

Se objeta al Sr. Goic de no tener expertise en el area de economia..
El Sr. Juan Lugo...la tiene? Asi como el Sr. Sirico..a quien se le caracteriza por su asociacion 'with so many ravid homphobes and his defense of oppresive capitalism..", segun el Sr. Jerry Sloan, antiguo conocido del Sr. Sirico...que conoce su trayectoria.
Etico, no etico o como quiera llamarsele....250 mil pesos no es dinero con el que nadie puede vivir, planear vacaciones y disfrutar y es crudo e increible decir que llevar el minimo a esta cantidad pueda destruir una economia ... un argumento recurrente que no admite defensa moral.
Habra mas sobre el tema.



In the news today was the following report by the Constellation of the Outside radio:

That global efforts by leading world’s societies to protect human rights, and severe punishment to violators is a step forward. Further actions and renewed enforcement should proceed vigorously.

The world today can see a significant improvement in the application
of measures to address cases of injustice or violation of human rights.
For example the trials of war criminals, the Geneva Convention regarding the
Protection of individual rights.

Recently in the news throughout the world the Ingrid Betancourt case has
touched the hearts of human beings everywhere. Just a case in point for
the care and attention by the BOWP.

But there are Peace Time violators as well , those who are elected
to positions of government who are given a mandate to create, to correct,
to protect and ensure that the rights of people to education, justice and
health are preserved and maintained, who betray their mandate and
become violators of the public trust and are almost never sanctioned or
brought to trial.

Peace Time corruption is no less a crime than that which causes death by mortar fire at wars.

Corruption and inefficiency implies deprivation because funds assigned to specific welfare project will not be there when required, or when houses are
built, roads constructed or bridges across spans of water do not stand the test
of weather changes and become inoperative, break down and defeat the purpose that was the reason to create them in the first place, because of inefficient work, poor quality material or inadequate supervision. In the process the users of those facilities are the victims and the only ones who suffer.

These are victims of Peace Time and they are as much victims as those
of war crimes.

A concerted effort should be established as a mandate from the peoples of all nations to regaing their rights to life, to health, education and happiness and justice... through a body of assembled representatives of all member nations, the BOWP.

The peoples of the world adhere to and accept the measures required – like in site inspection- by respected and notable personalities designated by majority vote, men of distinction with a record in their respective areas of expertise to assume the tasks assigned to examine and recommend actions where applicable.

A more precise scope of meaning of words such as ‘sovereignty’ and ‘Internal affairs’ will be redefined and in the conclusion of the debate and it would have to receive majority approval vote.

The final objective is to recognize that the interests of a single nation and
of its citizens, the defense and the preservation of their pride and dignity is a just cause that demands attention of every nation .

Further report from Etee assigned Envoy and in charge of the Action Plan to Save the Earth will follow.


Q U I E N ....?

....y me venden, me ensucian y entierran en mi seno sus muertos;
me dividen, me cercan, me matan mis arboles - que son mis pulmones y los de ellos.

Quien les dio la Tierra a los hombres? El petroleo, el oro, el cobre, la plata y
todo tesoro que encierra mis entranas?
Quien le puso nombre a mis partes?
Quien se apodero de mis tesoros? Los de la fruta, el arbol, el mar, los rios.

Y se los di, sin pedirles nada, ni por el aire que respiran, ni por los bosques
que matan, ni por los oceanos que les da el oxigeno que les permite vivir, ni por
el sol, la luna las estrellas que les permite sonar.
Derramaron sangre en mi rostro, sangre inocente y limpia....

ETEE VI - more on the BOWP role

Etee took a deep breath and continued talking. Grandpa, sitting down, slightly uneasy..listened.

This is not a suspense story....sir. for your peace and tranquility I can assure you that -We – your Earth , are faced with a serious, very serious problem of survival. Survival of this planet and their inhabitants.

Etee continued. It is therefore very important that you be made fully aware of the role of the Body of World’s Peoples ....I can give you a picture of the expectations we have by the enforcing of some of the recommended plans and ideas contained in the BOWP project, and to understand why it was designed for the benefit of the Earth peoples.

Civic participation is key to the success and well being of any society. Good civic health encourages participation and open forums for peoples to openly express their views.Expression creates discussion, curiosity and gives rise to creation, inventiveness, Curiosity open minds and open minds increase the intelectual and reasoning capacity that discards violence and diatribe as means of solving differences .

Just as globalization, sir, tend to bring nations closer together for the purpose of conducting trade....this new world order requires that the internal affairs of one country be the concern of the rest of the world community as well. We have already seen how World Tribunals have in the recent past brought to Justice those who commited crimes against humanity and how those accused were punished.

It is true that the BOWP is not empowered to implement its decisions. There will be however Sanctions, moral and symbolic sanctions to be imposed for well substantiated violations.

And it is a source of gratification to Know that the majority of member countries have approved this motion, which is incorporated into the Constitution Chart of the BOWP.

Is it worth ...is it necessary a body of concern such as the BOWP to exist? No frontiers or border lines should be in the way of justice to bring about...to rescue one life from death or injustice.

We are pleased to note some slogans directed to challenge the curiosity and the
Thinking capacity of young people and adults as well, like EL ‘ POR QUE SI’ ... NO EXISTE...
Or…..” QUEREMOS GENTE QUE SE LO CUESTIONE TODO”....This sort of approach to
convene young adults paves the way to having societes well equipped to face problems
through the use of reason and persuation, to expand the intellectual horizon, to be receptive to new ideas.....

Life expectations of a large number of Peoples within one nation just cannot be thrown overboard, dismissed at the mercy of misguided groups who believe that The truth is on their side and that all those who do not agree with their views are their enemies...groups .who resort to kidnapping .and demand ransom money as compensation for past Grievances, . to forcefully separate members of families and set them apart, in total dispair while the world Looks on .. hands tied for conventions that are untenable and no longer acceptable.

It is more than a responsability, it is a duty of the world community to try and intervene to Avoid suffering and injustice. It is respect for the values of democratic societes throughout the world that believe in and attach a firm conviction to long held values...the values of self-respect and respect for others, respect for diversity and tolerance..and respect and encouragement for those who pray to be able to raise their voices expressing their grievances
loud and clear ...but Whose voices are muted by Unreason and Neglect...

Grandpa interrupts:

I understand what you are saying...and it sounds good to me but...what.. how this is going to solve the Problem of the Environment Deterioration...I see no relation...!!!

Etee’s answer;

Your questions are pertinent, valid ...there is no easy explanation but, believe me, there is a close interconnection with situations and events of daily occurrence, that repeat themselves continuously and give rise to all sorts of problems and create
additional ones that may have no apparent connection with.each other...

There is another side to the questions that you pose....that of what would happen if we find that the Earth problem, the fouling up of the weather caused by humans ...can’t be solved by our plans and the need is created for an erradication of the Earth population....

........how do you mean...? Grandpa reacted.

Etee replies:

Right now....at this very moment..in the minds of some of your Earth’s leaders there
Are contingency plans for doing exactly what I am saying: EARTH ERRADICATION!!
You must be aware of The Atmosphere Platforms that have been built for occupancy and living for extended periods of time by Earth people, not just anyone but chosen people....those with some highly valued skills, cientists and professionals like medicine, biochemistry, science, Etc. These are the people that will repopulate the Earth – of course this is part of plans not revealed by your Earth world leaders,
intended to be implemented after its collapse due to the Global Warming Problem we are trying to correct.

Only, there will be no Earth left to come back to....not if our Action Plan To Save the Earth fails.........!!!

The BOWP focus attention on needs of the people everywhere and how this has not been
possible in the past because of “mingling in the internal affairs’ a shield that
is resorted to to avoid claims of ... so diverse nature dealing with human rights...
It is the aim of the BOWP to contribute to diminish and eventually stop wrongful practices that are current in many societies....

The resorting to abstract terms like sovereignity, dignity, patriotism –which in different context have valid signification - that appeal to emotions, violence and harm..and often are used to cover the defense of misrepresented or false values desguised as genuine thru demagogic rethoric

The BOWP recognizes the ‘survival of the fittest’ concept reigns supreme in many
affluent societies.... here is where the education plans called upon to be set in motion should motivate people to change the course of their lives ..... yet, there will still some that will be left behind through neglect or lack of motivation, or whatever....

Marketing of consumer products, lack of personal leisure time, consumerism, etc. lead people to pay attention to what comes to them rather than the other way around, that is, let them decide what they want in the way of quality of life, entertainment, and so forth.
As it is – much as kids are led to a movie house by the hand – they are led to ‘buy’
ideas on Foreign Ways of living, that are desirable but not suitable to their reality...... they are led to nod their heads in agreement and consent and to sign their future , their peace and tranquility in so many ways. The TV shows they watch, The newspapers messages that are not either educational or entertaining, instead of providing themes or focus on subjects that should deserve their attention and concern. The ability to think is being wasted, discarded ...as it were.

It is hoped that in time those left behind will regain their capacity to dream and envision things and events up to now out of their reach and hopes.

It is hoped that the cases of human rights violations will diminish.The effect of “CAUTION ADVISES’ by the BOWP community should alert charged societies with a responsibility to Its citizens and should advise them that the world focus is centered on them ..
We will continue with the reflections on the part of Etee with reference to his mission, his doubts... and finally a most incredible love story...

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