By popular demand!!!!
N A D A ..... Es carencia, es incapacidad e ineficiencia, aunque no necesariamente falta de voluntad o deseo...particularmente en el juego del amor, donde 'it takes two to tango', dicen. Cuanto dura el amor? O lo que creemos que es amor, es otra cosa? La respuesta puede estar despues de hacer el amor: Preguntese- mejor- responda a la pregunta: "Y ahora... que? Doy vuelta la espalda?
Digo: buenas noches....? me pongo a dormir?

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I can't be blamed for - not chasing love but rather bumping into it...and most of the times there was a sequel of perhaps not an unhappy but rather not entirely satisfactory ending ...with each case leaving a definite mark...a deep impression that somehow, indeed, I treasure

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it's still, the same story, a fight for love and glory...a song "As time goes by" reminds us of the esential, to cherish it, to care for it, to give and spread everyone. Still, when it ceases to exist the remains are ...NADA....abolutamente
NADA..., but hold would seem LOVE has a way to rebuild itself and be reborn.....

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Motivation, inspiration, willpower ... Missing in your life, ? Can't find a way to get ahead, tired of everything, fedup withboredom, lack of imagination, mediocrity?
Amadou, a young boy from ......Zenegal -of all places - transplanted from a third world to a developed sociedy, overcoming a thousand barriers....his story, might give us a lesson to learn from..and a desire to live by.
(from The New York Times, today)

Trip Into Imigration Limbo
Andrea Mohin/The New York Times
Amadou Ly boarded a train Tuesday for a robotics contest in Atlanta. He had no
ID to get onto a plane.

Published: April 26, 2006
A small, troubled high school in East Harlem seemed an unlikely place to find
students for a nationwide robot-building contest, but when a neighborhood
after-school program started a team last winter, 19 students signed up. One was
Amadou Ly, a senior who had been fending for himself since he was 14.
Skip to next paragraph

Michelle Agins/The New York Times
Kristian Breton held a meeting with his team of robot-builders before they were
to leave for Atlanta. The project had only one computer and no real work space.
Engineering advice came from an elevator mechanic and a machinist's son without
a college degree. But in an upset that astonished its sponsors, the rookie team
from East Harlem won the regional competition last month, beating rivals from
elite schools like Stuyvesant in Manhattan and the Bronx High School of Science
for a chance to compete in the national robotics finals in Atlanta that begins
Yet for Amadou, who helps operate the robot the team built, success has come at
a price. As the group prepared for the flight to Atlanta today, he was forced to
reveal his secret: He is an illegal immigrant from Senegal, with no ID to allow
him to board a plane. Left here long ago by his mother, he has no way to attend
the college that has accepted him, and only a slim chance to win his two-year
court battle against deportation.
In the end, his fate could hinge on immigration legislation now being debated in
Congress. Several Senate bills include a pathway for successful high school
graduates to earn legal status. But a measure passed by the House of
Representatives would make his presence in the United States a felony, and both
House and Senate bills would curtail the judicial review that allows exceptions
to deportation.
Meanwhile, the team's sponsors scrambled to put him on a train yesterday
afternoon for a separate 18-hour journey to join his teammates from Central Park
East High School at the Georgia Dome. There, more than 8,500 high school
students will participate in the competition, called FIRST (For Inspiration and
Recognition of Science and Technology) by its sponsor, a nonprofit organization
that aims to make applied sciences as exciting to children as sports.
"I didn't want other people to know," said Amadou, 18, referring to his illegal
status. "They're all U.S. citizens but me."
Most team members learned of his problem only yesterday at a meeting with
Kristian Breton, 27, the staff member at the East Harlem Tutorial program who
started the team, inspired by his own experience in the competition when he was
a high school student in rural Mountain Home, Ark.
Alan Hodge, 18, echoed the general dismay. "We can't really celebrate all the
way because it's not going to feel whole as a team without Amadou," he said.
Amadou's teammates have struggled with obstacles of their own. When Mr. Breton
called a meeting of parents to collect permission slips last week, only five
showed up. One boy's mother had a terminal illness, Mr. Breton learned. Another
mother lived in the Dominican Republic, leaving an older sibling to manage the
household. One of the six girls on the team said her divorced parents disagreed
about letting her go, and her mother, who was willing to approve the trip,
lacked the $4 subway fare to get to the meeting.
But Amadou's case stands out. As he tells it, with corroboration from
immigration records and other documents, he was 13 and spoke no English when his
mother brought him to New York from Dakar on Sept. 10, 2001. He was 14 when she
went back, leaving him behind in the hope that he could continue his American
By then, he had finished ninth grade at Norman Thomas High School in a program
for students learning English as a second language. But his mother left
instruction for him to take a Greyhound bus to Indianapolis, where a Senegalese
woman friend had agreed to take him in and send him to North Central High School
"It was the same thing when I was in Africa," he said, describing a childhood
spent shuttling between his grandmother and the household of his father, a
retired police officer with 12 children and three wives.
The woman in Indiana, who had four children of her own, changed her mind about
keeping him after his sophomore year, and he returned by bus to New York in the
summer of 2004. "I had to find a way to help myself for food and clothes, and to
buy some of my school supplies," he said, recalling days handing out fliers for
a clothing store on a Manhattan street corner. "I ended up living with another
friend — I'm under age and I can't live alone."

without further ado let's concede by unanimous decision that AMOR is an all-important word-tool that keeps this earth moving...and rolling. And of course,
"L" stands for LOVE ..IN MY BOOKS!!!

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...el temor de la ley.....? (que es eso?)

Reciente, de hace pocos dias, una " broma " que movilizo a mucha gente que presta servicio a la comunidad en diversas formas, muchas veces arriesgando sus vidas, para que? Para responder a una falsa llamada de socorro. Mi comentario a El Mercurio al respecto, hoy: "En alguna sociedad desarrollada por el solo hecho que alguien (ni
siquiera grite), diga: En ese avion hay una bomba !!, incurre en delito federal.
Cuando sucede lo que sucedio -supuesta "broma" - es evidente que no existe en la sociedad EL TEMOR DE LA LEY. Pero... la ley la aplican PERSONAS. En blanco y negro
-como letra impresa- la ley es solo un texto de lectura.

I owe it to Jacques Prevert...Les Feuilles Mortes...m'ont donne l'inspiration
pour mon Suenos Rotos. Explications...

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"......!!!Carabineros o Investigaciones ya no tienen autoridad. en este pais mandan
los delincuentes!!!

era el clamor de un senor hoy (pero puede ser cualquier dia) dia en television protestando ante
un caso de delincuencia de que fue victima....


Dura afirmacion. Sin embargo, nada mas que la realidad...!!!


La respuesta esta en los reportes de actos delictuales cada dia, que son o
el postre...o el aperitivo de nuestras veladas en el hogar, en el espacio de paz, de
tranquilidad, de convivencia.

La respuesta entonces pareciera ser: No mucho!!!!

Esos intrusos no son foraneos...esos intrusos cuyos actos criminales son relatados
por buenas gentes cumpliendo la ingrata labor de informar...lo que no quisieran o no
tuvieran que informar. Esos intrusos que invaden las veladas hogarenas son hijos de
esta sociedad. Tienen padres, madres, hermanos, tios y hasta abuelos y sobrinos.

La familia esta en quiebre? La sociedad esta en quiebre? Leo en prensa extrangera
de alguna sociedad desarrollada que:

"...authorities are putting prevention of attacks
ahead of concern for the civil right of suspects..."

Eso se llama tomar el toro por las astas.

Sabe Ud. que en las sociedades desarrolladas los asuntos
que conciernen el bienestar de la sociedad NO SE MANEJAN CON GUANTES DE
TERCIOPELO. El orden requiere disciplina, y esta impone reglas duras. Y en democracia. Repito, en en totalitarismo!!

La razon es porque esta permanente del TEMOR DE LA LEY.

Pero...que es LA LEY? No son edificios nuevos, bien amoblados, amplios, que
estan provistos de los elementos materiales para administrar una justicia.
"nueva", estilo sociedades desarrolladas, con absoluto respeto de los derechos civiles de los acusados en forma rapida, transparente.

La ley no basta...Un ingrediente, la diva, el quid pro quo del asunto, no esta!!!

..LA LEY ESTA !!!! escucho decir ....

Cierto....lo que no parece estar es o son


Porque sin quienes deben aplicarla no lo hacen...

que tienen ante si un juego de libros legales especificando situaciones que
conforman un acto delictuoso y las sanciones que acarrea su comision....
no lo hacen interpretando que ella - la ley- busca la proteccion de la mayoria...
no lo de unos pocos.

Para ser Juez hay que tener valor. El valor de convicciones
que van mas alla de la seguridad personal y que, TIENEN EN MENTE
la paz y tranqulidad ciudadana , como lo indica la Constitucion del Estado.

Los derechos civiles de las personas ciertamente deben protegerse. Pero ante
el bienestar mayor de la sociedad que el de un sospechoso
con registros de detencion o ,aun, de no detencion previa, los derechos prioritarios de este ultimo debieran quedar supeditados a los de aquellos, los
miembros de la sociedad.

Carabineros e Investigaciones son eslabones...muy importantes, pero,por si solos no son suficiente... en hecho no tienen la jurisdiccion
para administrar justicia. Que no se pierda el esfuerzo, el valor y valentia de estas
gentes que en verdad arriesgan sus vidas dia a dia...


Entonces, solo entonces, se empieza a sentir en la sociedad EL TEMOR DE LA
LEY.Entonces, solo entonces, la sociedad esta claramente proclamando que

At this time,,,,,,,,

God given gift....the capacity to love... our heritance..

upon birth we were given....a body, a mind, legs...that will get you there,,,to your
destination; . given arms to hold, to embrace, to build, .to plant the seeds, perhaps even to harvest
its fruits.
These physical elements help us survive.

However, they are only a brief sketch of man's 'BLUEPRINT'. there is a lot more...
masterfully imprinted in man's make up that is associated ....with.nothing less than providing human
beings with LOVE, GLORY, CREATION. If we think about it and realize its meaning, then
then we will perhaps understand better who we really are, where are we headed and what
is our destiny.

That gift...given us to survive, move around, etc is almost nothing when compared to
the all -important task of creating the desire and the motivation for living.... to make it possible
to really LIVE..... that is to love, laugh, cry, suffer and be happy. That incredible GEM given us, has no
discernible fom or shape nor we know the region inside our body or mind where it is lodged.
Its size, or its weight are unknown, yet the monumental feats performed by men guided by
its force cannot be measured or fully appreciated.

Were men deprived of this wonder, call it soul or whatever.. life would have no meaning
at's the presence of the Divine within us....that which only human beings are the lucky recipients
and , a lot of times. the squanderers thereof...

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Incredible way to cheat Chile out of the Davis Cup. I will not say by the
american players. Usually in points being disputed ,players keep to themselves when
the decision by umpires is in their favor. There is no fair play here, altho it is
not the responsibility or duty of players to call out the points...The woman who called the point good in favor of Roddick was wearing dark sun glasses. She remained
adamant in her decision in spite of the plead by Fernando Gonzalez......Shame on you, gentlemen!!! A power, a real power in any area of endeavor does not have to elbow their way ahead by resorting to petty, deminishing and unfair conduct, or overtly allowing it to happen. Clean up your act, USTA!!!


U.S. Umpires Cheat Chile Out of Davis Cup
[Opinion] Make shameful decisions during quarterfinal match

Email Article Print Article Marcelo Mackinnon (pelarco)

"Snapping his racquet in two, Gonzalez and Captain Hans Gildemeister protested 'two close line calls,' both of which went in favor of the Americans."

This is all the USTA had to say on its Web page about the disgraceful way in which local umpires favored the U.S tennis team during the match played between April 7 to 9 in Rancho Mirage, California.

It has become common to hear about match rigging in other sports such as football, boxing or horse racing, but now corruption has shown its ugly face in that most honorable game known as tennis. The difficulty with favoring a certain player or team during a tennis match is apart from the thousands of spectators at courtside or the millions that are watching on TV, it is very easy to see if the ball went inside or outside the white line boundaries of the court, as happened on April 9 at the Mission Hills Country Club.

The reputation of U.S tennis will never be the same after this incident, smearing a brilliant campaign of 31 victories at the most important tennis tournament, the Davis Cup. The situation in world tennis is changing with small countries such as Croatia (2005 champions), Chile and Argentina making it to the final stages of the competition. The U.S has not been able to win the Davis since 1995, so this may be the reason why the USTA had to resort to such dishonest tactics as they used against Chile.

Well, enough of the opinion of this disappointed Chilean tennis fan. Let's turn to a brief report of the events as they happened.

On April 7, James Blake (ranked 8th in the world) faced Chile's Fernando Gonzalez (18th). The match began at 11:00 a.m. and ended at 15:30 p.m. --4 hours and 21 minutes! It was an epic battle that Gonzalez won -- 7-6, 6-0, 6-7, 4-6 and 8-10. It was one of the longest matches in Davis Cup history. Blake was exhausted by the effort and was seen limping off the court.

Then came the second match between Andy Roddick (ranked 4th) against Nicholas Massu (37th and 2004 Olympic singles champion). Roddick won the match fair and square -- 6-3, 7-6, 7-6.

On April 8, Chilean captain Hans Gildemeister reserved Gonzalez for the decisive match day on Sunday and so the U.S. pair (ranked 1st) formed by Mike and Bob Bryan won the doubles match over Adrian Gracia and Paul Capdeville by 6-1, 6-2, 6-4.

On April 9, the two players that had been showing their best form, Roddick and Gonzalez faced each other. Gonzalez won the first set 6-4 and Roddick the second set 7-5. Then came the controversial third set when the score was at 4-3 for Roddick, but Gonzalez was getting the upper hand over the local player, making Roddick run from one end of the court to the other.

It seems that the U.S. team sensed that if things continued as they were, the Chilean player would win. Before this there had been four controversial decisions that favored Roddick during crucial stages of the match. However, it was another biased decision against Gonzalez that made the visiting player lose his temper and concentration. See for yourself courtesy of the Chilean newspaper "Las Ultimas Noticias" a video of the shot that went outside the white line by approximately 10 centimeters and was called "in" by the lineswoman. From then on, Roddick managed to keep his cool and defeat a demoralized Gonzalez. The next match was won by Chile's Capdeville over an exhausted James Blake, 3-2 to the U.S.

2006-04-12 16:21 (KST)
©2006 OhmyNews

Other articles by reporter Marcelo Mackinnon

In search of titles. I came up with FORUM. Titles -a lot of times- are inconsequential, to me anyway. Most of the times they convey a sort of "preview" of either a musical or word description of a theme which is the subject of
the title. In this case, no words, just quiet, soft wonder away by....

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Quinche is one of those song titles that do not really make sense as they're not in any way tied to or related to the motif that gave rise to the song's theme...
I have no problem assigning titles to music material where there are definite memories brought to bear.. connected with the name of the woman who inspired the whole thing....

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"belle", it goes without saying is used when you refer to a woman that is...cute, beautiful, enchanting. Belle may also be said -at times- in reference to music that you like. Belle ,finally could be your life if it has all the ingredients that can help make it so... a girl - a belle one -, some money in the bank and ....good health to enjoy the girl and the money.

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Jacques was an inknown to me...I simply read his, poem , was touched by it and decided to set music to it...only to discover , later, that there was a very well known song made after the words from this poet ...the song was entitled Les feulles mortes. Obviously I could not use literary material subject to the copyright protection....I asked The Societe de Gens de Lettres de Paris for
permission to use the dice...therefore, I had to create new words and
thus "Suenos rotos" came to see the light...

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