ETEE...(wow...! foreign visitors!!!)
The Council of Elders of the Constellation of the Outside has met and after going through the report by the Task Force headed by Etee , has designed an Action Plan to Save the Earth that should be put in execution at the Start of the Early Rise season, which in Earth language means NOW.
Next is a brief detail of the considerations borne in mind by the Elders preceding the dictation of the Decree that sets in motion the Action Plan to Save the Earth.
The sole reason for the interventation of an outside power on Earth matters is to avoid disaster that Earthians are unable to prevent . The deteroration of the climate on Earth would eventually lead to a rise of temperature and flooding of cities and ports leaving thousands of people dead and their houses destroyed beyond repair and thousands upon thousands without the possibility to feed themselves , due to destruction of sources of food. No need to indicate that our own Constellation of the Outside would suffer as well.
Plan A intented to set living conditions not just right within each country but within the entire community of nations on Earth. Details of the plan and guidelines proposed are briefly outlined below.
This part of the plan insists on the theory that the Earth can survive only if the living conditions inside the communities populating the Earth are as desirable as anyone living in any civilized society would want to have.
These conditions do not exist at the present time in many communities within the planet . The deteroration of living conditions as well as a deteroration of the envrionment can only lead to disaster, which is when Part B of the plan will be entered into execution.
Plan B, whereby erradication of Earth inhabilitants is required , followed by an attempt to Place An Orbit Change command so that the planet can be saved from destruction.
I THINK, therefore, I'm a Citizen of the World
(here we begin to recount how our ETEE came into being)
Grandpa said to him: there should be in place measures that would help people, poor people, hungry people, people without education, without health care all over the world, in poor countries in Africa and elsewhere , that would enable them to cope with their daily plight. ..
If war criminals are brought to justice to pay for yesterday's crimes that killed thousands, and if those criminals are sent to jail for those crimes, the poor folks that are alive today all over the world -the majority of whom are destitute and poor and neglected- should be protected to prevent and try and correct their precarious situation and force the governments of those countries to stop and adopt strong corrective measures to combat the injustices , suffering, and carelessness of the poor, WHILE POOR PEOPLE ARE STILL ALIVE, and not to wait until they are dead and become part of statistics of people deprived of their rights being killed.
A dead man for war crimes or a man dead for neglect and lack of health assistance and hunger is as much a victim if not of war crimes, it is from omission and neglect of those whose duty and obligation it is to protect the living, not the dead.
ETEE continued to listen and wondered, while listening...; Leaders of countries speak of protecting their sovereignty, of respect of their laws, of their patriotism and pride. Pride? Sovereignity? Patriotism?
He reflected: Man is born to the world, to the sun, the stars, the air he breathes and the ocean he bathes in, a Man is born not to one portion of land with a name on it, nor to a previously chosen geographical location because Man has no privileges nor right of choice before he sees for the the first time the light of day or has the capability of understanding... at that time he is only a Man born devoid of any material treasures or privileges, in fact he is born because a of woman who conceived him and who could live anywhere, in lands where the language spoken is different...the color of the skin of their inhabitants different...the way they conduct their life is different...or a land where the words 'dignity'equality, patriotism’, have no meaning or are not understood meaning something.....
The point is that a Man born today no matter where should be considered a Citizen of the World , real citizen of the world and not just of the portion of land where he was actually born, and therefore, he should be subject to equal care and attention as that due to other men born in other areas of land throughout the world... a sort of One For All and All For One kind of philosophy of life governing their lives, everyone’s.. Throughout the universe. (ETEE will elaborate)
(ET’s proposal to the Elders of the Outside Constellation will follow)
Are you wondering who is ET, where is he, why?
Eduardo mi amigo, uno de ellos, vive en USA ya hace..... Estamos en contacto y en ocasiones nos formulamos preguntas. Recientemente le pedi su punto de vista sobre un
articulo en El Mercurio, escrito por el Sr. Gandolfo, que entiendo es profesor universitario. Algunas cosas que decia no me parecian...le pedi opinion a Eduardo. He aqui lo que creo es su buena respuesta:
En primer lugar lo que yo entiendo que no tiene precio es interesarse por el estudio de la filosofia, que segun el, es una de las actividades mas importantes del ser humano. Junto a las artes por supuesto.En cuanto a que los cabros no hacen preguntas acordemonos que inmediatamente empiezan las tallas, para dejar al pregunton como ignorante. Hay varias razones por las cuales no hay interes en la filosofia, a saber, el consumismo, el materialismo, la vida rapida que no deja pensar,etc.Que mejor ejemplo que las masas humanas de este pais.Un gallo puede saber quien bateo un homerun en el ano de la cocoa, pero no sabe ni papa quien fue Descartes.En cuanto a los filosofos, debo destacar que cuando se reunen estos senores es para probar de que cada uno tiene la razon, pero no se reunen en busca de la verdad, porque cada uno tiene su propia verdad.Ademas, sus ideas seran influenciadas por sus creencias religiosas, politicas o sociales y no llegaran a ninguna parte. Me acuerdo que cuando yo estaba en 5o humanidades el hermano se ponia morado de rabia porque no podia contestar las preguntas de sus alumnos porque habia que basarse en lo que decia la "Santa Madre Iglesia" ja, ja!!
Nota: un profesor de religion pregunta a sus alumnos - donde esta Dios? UNo dice que esta en el cielo, la ninita dice que esta su corazon, y Arturito dice que esta en el bano de su casa. Como asi?dice el profesor, muy claro, contesto el nino, todas las mananas mi papa golpea la puerta del bano, y dice "Santo Dios todavia estas ahi?"
Por ultimo. no creo que el haya querido definir la diferencia entre valor y precio, si no recalcar el poco interes en hacerse preguntas. Saludos Eduardo.
Gracias, Eduardo.
Se puede sonar a cualquier edad.. el amor no tiene edad, dicen- el
permanecer abierto, tampoco… abierto a lo positivo, a lo que genera
Vida, optimsmo, ganas.. una radio … una tierra extranjera, una voz
tambien extrangera pero que habla el idioma del mundo,
que conduce la noche de quienes escuchan….yo me encuentro alli,
Y el recuerdo, anejo pero podria ser actual, ha quedado.
No!. Solo escucho su voz.... que me dice de ella tantas cosas...
de su femineidad, de su su forma de decir palabras....
palabras de consuelto, de amistad, de amor..
Unas letras "que matan"...una cancion de Navidad, musica a tu medida,
a la intensidad de tu felicidad o de esperanza
Si, la echo de menos..
despierto en mi lecho a medianoche, a traves del Walkman en mis oidos...
surgen voces, dedicatorias :"dedico esta cancion a..."
Yo no la conozco, solo se que la quiero y nada mas, por su voz.
La luna Canaria, la musica del Walkman, voces que expresan
la necesidad de amar, sentir, decir: Yo no la conozco, pero la quiero, amigo,
como tu talvez tambien...
y como tu mi voz, su voz no tiene rostro, no la veo...solo una voz..
mas si la escucho, yo la veo, la percibo, le doy un rostro, una figura...
y la amo y la deseo...
If, I could find a way to be near you
and forget about what friends tell me :
(she's) too young for you, man!!
Will I find the one who cares...
someone who's willing to love, to laugh,
never to complain, though
come what it may!
if one day, the dreams we dreamed come to pieces....
what's there to do?:
no longer our hopes meet our desires
perhaps they die soon....
perhaps they are not true !!
It's wrong to pray to find love?
Then one day will come
sunny or cloudy
maybe that day I'll be lucky
and have my wishes come true
it could be the start
of what could be my last chance for love....chere Claude!!
for blessings....
to love and be loved and know there's YOU
Peace, Love and Khrishnah
the WORLD SHOULD rejoice now!!!
FOR Love still reigns....
Labels: itmakestheworldgo´round